We can’t believe it’s already been a week since our August Café Night! Every other month, we host a (free) (public) (totally awesome) gathering for Boston’s innovation community. Each Café Night features office hours, workshops, and networking time designed to help entrepreneurs get the resources they need to succeed!

Ready for October Café Night? RSVP here to join us and be the first to get updates on our exciting lineup! And if you can’t wait for October, join our sister site, Roxbury Innovation Center, for their Café Night next Tuesday, August 16th highlighting Boston’s Creative Economy!

Check out the pictures and recap below to hear all about our August Café Night!

We had a fully booked and fantastic afternoon of office hours with Sheldon Borkin, Joe Caruso, Steve Davis, Mimi Evans, and Chuck Goldstone.

Office hours are an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to connect one-on-one with experienced mentors who are successful in their fields. They advise in particular areas such as financial sustainability, marketing, storytelling, and customer acquisition.

General Assembly lead a Product Roadmapping workshop with Vanessa Ferranto of Zipcar. Best piece of advice we heard about flexibility in your roadmapping?

“I’ve never seen a roadmap stay the same.”

Later, MassChallenge hosted a panel with startup leaders Gaurav Tanna of Buttery and Melissa Gersin of Tranquilo Mat, moderated by MassChallenge Marketing Manager Jibran Malek. We learned all about the challenges of breaking into Boston’s startup ecosystem, as well as tips for launching and sustaining a successful startup!

Many thanks to our participants and guests for making our third Café Night a blast! We can’t wait to see everyone in October!

Did you have a great experience at Café Night? Just love District Hall and want to tell us why? Fill out this form!

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