Oxfam: Museum Without a Home Pop-Up

Explore Oxfam and Amnesty International's "Museum Without a Home" exhibition–on display in the District Hall lounge from Monday, 1/22 through Friday, 1/26. Museum Without a Home highlights real items given to refugees by the communities that welcomed them. This free exhibit celebrates the solidarity communities around the world have shown towards people forced to flee their […]

Oxfam America: Uniting for Refugees: Marking One Year Since President Trump’s Travel Ban

Boston groups unite for conversation and solidarity. Join Oxfam, Amnesty, IINE, for an exhibit, panel discussion, and light reception. Featuring an acoustic performance by local musician Chadwick Stokes, of Dispatch and State Radio. For more info + to RSVP, please visit the event website! This event has a Google Hangouts video call. Join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/dGppNTNxdnUxODU2NXFkcTVydDRwYjJnZzRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.oa55s5s4iq5on8aabd39phs4og?hs=121

Girl Develop It Boston: Introduction to JavaScript (4-Series Class)

JavaScript is the world's most popular programming language for a reason -- it's the primary way to build interaction on the web. Learning JavaScript is a logical next step once you've learned HTML/CSS. For more info + to RSVP, please visit the event website! This event has a Google Hangouts video call. Join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/dGppNTNxdnUxODU2NXFkcTVydDRwYjJnZzRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.kcoc0q2qfu11ri759i6h3aebok?hs=121

quip: quip pop-up

Boston brushers! Feel the electric toothbrush that’s all over Instagram first hand, chat with our fresh team about how we’re changing oral care for the better through thoughtful design, and get your first brush head and toothpaste refill free when you get quip at the pop-up. For more info + to RSVP, please visit the […]

Girl Develop It Boston: Introduction to JavaScript (4-Series Class)

JavaScript is the world's most popular programming language for a reason -- it's the primary way to build interaction on the web. Learning JavaScript is a logical next step once you've learned HTML/CSS. For more info + to RSVP, please visit the event website! This event has a Google Hangouts video call. Join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/dGppNTNxdnUxODU2NXFkcTVydDRwYjJnZzRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.23e2v9ihi3ne8mqg58afejce36?hs=121

Neighborhood House Charter School: Engage & Play

Join us in celebrating NHCS and its exciting expansion at District Hall in the Seaport! Guests will have the opportunity to Engage & Play over-sized board games with NHCS students. The event will feature substantial appetizers, an open bar, and a Fund-A-Need auction to support the school. For more info + to RSVP, please visit […]

Girl Develop It Boston: Introduction to JavaScript (4-Series Class)

JavaScript is the world's most popular programming language for a reason -- it's the primary way to build interaction on the web. Learning JavaScript is a logical next step once you've learned HTML/CSS. For more info + to RSVP, please visit the event website!

South Boston Health Seaport Pop-up

South Boston Health/Seaport is the first major health care provider located in the ever expanding seaport district. The informational pop-up is open to the public and it is to provide details about the service rendered at the center and answer questions about health insurance of mass if needed. For more info, please visit the event website!